The Digitalization of Investor Relations: Growing Use of Video and Digital Services

The Digitalization of Investor Relations: Growing Use of Video and Digital Services

The digitalization of investor relations has led to a growing use of video and digital services. A company’s online presence and ability to communicate effectively throughout the various digital channels has become a crucial aspect of an effective investor relations strategy. Technological advances have led us into a new digital age and given us the ability to share information instantaneously.

As a result, there is now a widespread use of digital channels for communication. Many investors now turn to modern digital channels rather than traditional outlets for their financial information. In 2023 the London Stock Exchange (LSEG) released a report on the digitalization of Investor Relations. They found 76% of respondents had to strengthen their IR strategy due to the rapid digitalization of investor communication. Therefore, companies must learn to adapt to the changing landscape and adopt digital services if they are to continue promoting confidence and trust to the investor community. 

In today’s market, enhanced digital communication leads to more investment and higher company valuation. In return, companies experience increases to their company stock price. Additionally, the use of digital services also drives engagement, leading to a positive reputation and stronger brand image.

Traditional outlets for presenting a company’s financial messages are being outshined by digital channels. This is due to the instantaneous capacity that digital channels have when sharing information. The emergence of digital communication has led the majority of investors wanting a more proactive portrayal of a company’s financial information. One solution is for companies to partner with IR service providers to take advantage of the ongoing IR digitalization. IR service providers understand the importance that video and digital services can have with strengthening investor relations. Consequently, companies should plan to utilize these services to keep up with emerging trends and develop stronger investor communication.


Video and Digital Services

As investor relations continues to change due to digitalization, the adoption of digital communication is becoming inevitable. In fact, using digital channels as the primary source for sharing financial information with investors continues to increase in popularity. Companies must strengthen their investor relations strategy to keep up with new trends in digital communication. One way to stay ahead of the curve is to implement the use of video and digital services. The LSEG report shows that 63% of respondents moved to virtual meetings and events in 2023. With this increase in digital communication, companies need to know how they can leverage video and digital services to enhance their investor relations.


Video Event Management

ViaVid offers various video event management services that will help enhance investor relations. Through partnering with a conference call provider, companies can ensure a strategic investor relations plan is set in place. This creates stronger communication between the company executives and members of the financial community.


Pre-Recorded Videos

More companies are opting to pre-record their earnings events. The LSEG report states that in 2023 more than half of respondents switched to virtual meetings and events. When added to the companies that already made the switch in the years prior, it becomes that 81% of respondents were reported to have held virtual meetings and events in 2023. By virtualizing these earnings events through pre-recording, companies can increase the clarity and refinement of company messages. Virtual events also allow for greater inclusivity among participants. 

The LSEG report showed that 87% of respondents found company websites to be a top digital channel of communicating financial information to the investment community. Uploading a pre-recorded video to your website is a great way to share your message with shareholders, and investors. There is an added level of flexibility with this option, through archiving the video. This allows the public to view important financial information at their convenience.

Many companies also use investor portals. Pre-recorded videos can be hosted for on-demand access through these portals. This allows a readily available option for shareholders to view information whenever they would like.

Pre-recorded videos can also be shared through email campaigns with the help of ViaVid senior operators. Using their expertise allows companies to embed the video directly into an email. Another option is to set up a direct link to the company website or investor portal.


Streaming During Live Events

With the increase in digital investor communication, there also comes an increase in new innovations. Services like ViaVid Webcasting allows companies to play video clips during live events through integrated features. These are accessed through built-in video playback functions and help increase investor engagement during the live event.


Simulated Live Events & On-Demand Replays

Through adopting digital IR services, companies can increase efficiency through simulated streaming. Recording a video in advance through a video capture session with a producer will allow a company to have time to edit and revise their video. This will ensure a flawless presentation. The video can then be strategically played on a specific date and time.


Capture Valuable Reporting

As the digitalization of investor relations increases, so does the ability to capture valuable reporting. Companies can capture attendee details before, during and after events, or on demand through the use of resources such as ViaVid’s conferencing call and webcasting solutions.


Enhance your Video Calls with ViaVid

ViaVid remains at the forefront of video and digital services. They recognize the changing landscape of investor relations and understands the importance that utilizing digital channels has when communicating a company’s message in today’s market. Companies can take advantage of the digitalization of investor relations through leveraging ViaVid services. Their services allow companies to keep up with emerging digital trends, enhance their communication and elevate their earnings events. The expertise of ViaVid will help companies maintain a strong IR strategy among the ongoing digitalization of investor relations. Choosing ViaVid as a partner gives your company the opportunity to differentiate its corporate brand and build a strong online presence through the use of their video and digital services.


Ready to make a lasting impression? 

To discuss how ViaVid can enhance your investor relations through video and digital services email us or schedule a consultation.